Melasma, Chloasma in face

What is Melasma/Chloasma?

A patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on face and may result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy and during the administration of estrogen containing oral contraceptives.

It is generallly found on sun-exposed areas of the face. Melasma often fades over several months after stopping oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy(HRT) or after delivering a child. It may return with additional pregnancies or use of these medications. The patches gradually fade over many months. In some people, the discoloration never entirely disappears. However, this condition develops spontaneously in some women who are neither pregnant, taking oral contraceptives, nor HRT medications.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors for Melasma/Chloasma

§ Melasma is a very common skin disorder. Though it can affect anyone, young women with brownish skin tones are at greatest risk. Chloasma is especially common in women aged 20-40. It is more common in dark skins than in fair skins.

§ Melasma is often associated with the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. It is especially common in pregnant women, women who are taking oral contraceptives ("the pill"), and women taking hormone replacement therapy during menopause.

§ Sun exposure is also a strong risk factor for melasma. It is particularly common in tropical climates.

§ Melasma develops due to a combination of genetic, hormonal and sun related factors

§ Melasma has been referred to as the mask of pregnancy because it often develops during pregnancy. Because of melasma’s relation to pregnancy and oral contraceptives, it is thought that estrogen contributes to its development in predisposed persons.

§ Estrogen is not essential to the development of melasma, however, as men may also be affected.

§ A factor that does seem to be essential to the development of melasma is sunlight.

§ Both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) are believed to contribute to the formation of melasma in predisposed persons.

§ It may develop in association with menopause, hormonal imbalance and ovarian disorders.

§ Melasma may also be triggered by a medication called Dilantin (phenytoin).

§ It is thought that female sex hormones causes melanocytes or the pigment-producing cells to produce and deposit excess pigments.

§ Chloasma usually affects women but occasionally is seen in young men who use after-shave lotions, scented soaps, and other toiletries.

§ Chloasma is more pronounced during the summer months as a result of sun exposure. It usually fades a few months after delivery. Repeated pregnancies, however, can intensify the pigmentation.

§ Chloasma also occurs as a side-effect of taking contraceptive pills and injected depot contraceptive preparations. It may also be noticed in apparently healthy, normal, non-pregnant women where it is presumed to be due to some mild and harmless hormonal imbalance.

§ Sun exposure, following the use of deodorant soaps, scented toiletries, and various cosmetics can also produce this mottled pigmentation. This is called a phototoxic reaction and is due to ultraviolet radiation being absorbed by the chemical substance on the skin.

§ Deficiency of Folic Acid during pregnancy can also lead to development of Melasma.

Melasma during pregnancy is relatively common. Sometimes it is called the "mask of pregnancy." The dark patches typically last until the pregnancy ends. Despite the strong connection to hormones, no one knows exactly what causes the skin discoloration.

Other factors that make it more likely that a person will get melasma include using medications that make you sensitive to the sun (photosensitizing). These can include some cosmetics and medicines used to treat ovarian or thyroid problems. If you are already susceptible to melasma, exposure to the sun increases your risk. For example, women who are pregnant or who take a hormone medication and avoid the sun are less likely to develop melasma than are those who spend a lot of time in the sun.

Symptom Pictore of Chloasma / Melasma: 

§ Tan, dark brown patches

§ Irregular in shape

§ These patches usually develop on the upper cheek, upper lip and forehead.

Picture of Chloasms, Melasma
Pigmentation seen on cheeks and nose.

§ The dark patches often appear on both sides of the face in a nearly identical pattern. The darker-colored patches of skin can be any shade, from tan to deep brown.

§ Rarely, these dark patches may appear on other sun-exposed areas of the body.

§ The dark patches often appear on both sides of the face in a nearly identical pattern.

§ The darker-colored patches of skin can be any shade, from tan to deep brown.

§ Rarely, these dark patches may appear on other sun-exposed areas of the body.

Melasma doesn't cause any other symptoms besides skin discoloration but may be of great cosmetic concern.

Diagnosis is simply done by skin examination.
Doctor may use a special lamp [Wood’s lamp] that gives off ultraviolet light; it allows the doctor to see patterns and depth of skin discoloration more clearly.
Medical history will help to determine any factors that may have caused the disorder
Conventional Treatment

§ Creams containing tretinoin, kojic acid, and azelaic acid have been shown to improve the appearance of melasma. Occasionally, doctor may recommend chemical peels or topical steroid creams.

§ In severe cases, laser treatments can be used to remove the dark pigment.


Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/suceptability) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.

Reportorial rubrics:

[Kent] skin, discoloration, brown, liver spot

[Kent] skin, discoloration, brown, chloasma

[Murphy] skin, chloasma

[Boericke] skin, chloasma, liver spots, moth patches

[Boenninghausen’s] Skin, Spots, Liver (brown, liver-colored, chloasma)

Homeopathy Therapeutics

Sulphur, Lycopodium clavatum, Sepia offincinalis, Thuja occidentalis, Argenticum nitricum, Cadmium sulphuratum, Copaiva offincinalis, Guarana, Caulophyllum, Thalictroides, Plumbum metallicum, Curare.

Homeopathic Remedies:

Skin affection after local medication. Old looking. Spotted face. Skin dry, rough, wrinkled, scaly; Itching, violently at night. Scrofulous diathesis. Liver spots. Unbreakable itching, especially from warmth. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affection. 

Lycopodium Clavatum

Grayish-yellow discoloration of the face, with blue circles around the eyes. Brown spot on face and nose. Carbo nitrogenoid constitution. Craves everything warm.

Sepia Offincinalis

Chloasma; yellow spots [moth spots] the on the face, and a yellow saddle across the upper part of cheeks and nose. Suited to patient with having dark hair, rigid fibre. Ailments during pregnancy.

Thuja Occidentalis

Dry skin with brown spot. Hydrogenoid constitution. skin looks dirty. Face, pale, waxy, shiny; dark under eyes; spiderlets on.

Argenticum Nitricum

Face looks sunken, old, pale and bluish. Brown liver spot; irregular blotches. Skin is brown, tense and hard. A prematurely aged look. Irregular blotchesCadmium sulphuratum

Chloasma, yellowish stains on nose and cheeks; worse from exposure to sun and wind.

Copaiva Offincinalis

Brown spot; circumscribed, lenticular patches with itching. Mottled appearance.


Chloasma on temples and arms. intellectual excitement; uncontrollable sleepiness.

Caulophyllum Thalictroides

Discoloration of skin in women with menstrual and uterine disorders.

Plumbum metallicum

Yellow, corpse like dark brown liver spots; cheeks sunken. Skin of face is greasy, shiny. Face pale cachetic.


Red face. Dirty looking skin. Melasma.

Prevention of Chloasma, Melasma.
Avoiding the sun and using sunscreen are key to preventing melasma.
Avoid irritating the facial skin- No strong soaps or abrasive cleaners - use only a mild soap or cleanser for washing.
Increase intake of foods high in folic acid, dark green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, asparagus, broccoli, potatoes, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Discoloration of Skin on Face

Discoloration of skin on the face, though unsightly, may require medical attention to get to its root cause. Through this article we will discuss the causes of skin discoloration on face and other parts of the body.

Skin problems are quite common among individuals of all age groups. Normal skin has an even tone and is smooth to touch. But in the presence of skin disorders, the skin may appear to be patchy, dry and the skin tone may also be uneven. Over exposure to the sun, pollutants, make up and leading an unhealthy lifestyle are all contributing factors of discoloration of skin on the face and other parts of the body. In some cases, skin discoloration can be signs of some underlying health condition. Whatever be the reason, this skin condition can be quite annoying and people tend to try out various methods to get rid of it and restore the normal tone of the skin.

Causes of Facial Skin Discoloration

Skin discoloration on face can be categorized as skin darkening and skin lightening. There can be many reasons for the appearance of discoloration of skin on the face. Some of them may be due to superficial factors, like exposure to the sun or pollution. This condition may also appear due to some medical reasons.
One of the main causes of skin darkening is the over secretion of melanin from the cells. This can appear as dark patches on the skin, specifically on the forehead and cheeks. This condition is also known as hyperpigmentation.

White discoloration of the facial skin may be due to a skin condition called vitiligo. This condition is characterized by white colored spots on the face, which may spread till the neck and other parts of the body. Though this is not harmful, it can be quite distressing.

Red discoloration on face may be due to the appearance of skin rash as a sign of allergic reactions. Eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions can lead to reddish coloration on the face.
Another causative factor is melasma. This skin condition is mostly observed in pregnant women and women who are on birth control pills, as a result of hormonal changes in the body. However this condition is also seen in other individuals.

Other causes can be due to age spots, deficiency of iron and other essential nutrients, damage to the skin due to acne, burns, suntan, and blisters etc.

Remedies for Discoloration of Skin on Face

Facial skin discoloration can be quite unsightly since it mars the appearance of a person. The good news is that this condition is completely curable. You just need to follow a proper skin care regimen, teamed with a nutritious diet, to help reduce these signs.

Make a paste of dried orange peel powder, milk cream, honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this paste on the face and neck and leave it on for about 15 minutes before washing it off.

Prepare a fruit mask out of mashed apricot, papaya and cucumbers. This fruit pulp, if applied, can reduce the signs of discoloration and make the skin more radiant.

Potato juice is also quite effective when it comes to reduce pigmentation and hide blemishes. This is because potato juice has bleaching properties, which treats discoloration.

Another promising remedy to get rid of this skin problem is almonds. Take 6 to 8 almonds and soak them overnight in water. Peel the skin and grind them into a paste. Mix a tablespoon of honey and apply this pack on the face. wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeating this twice a day for at least a week yields visible results.

Exfoliation is an excellent method to remove dead cells from the skin's surface. For this you can scrub your face with ground almonds in a circular motion for about 10 minutes. You can also undergo microdermabrasion, which is the clinical method to exfoliate your face.

There are also several treatment options that can reduce these signs. But you must undergo these treatments only after consulting a dermatologist.

And finally, including fruits and vegetables that are rich sources of Vitamin E and other nutrients required by the skin is a natural way to restore that lost glow. Drinking plenty of water and fluids will flush the toxins from the body and keep the skin hydrated, supple and blemish-free.

Facial skin discoloration may be a reason of cosmetic concern, but it is also necessary to determine its underlying cause. Since this condition may also be an inherent sign of some health disorder, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or a health care provider.


Read if: you are looking for Botox alternatives when it comes to tighten skin

The discovery of wrinkles and sagging skin is quite possibly the first, and greatest, horror you will experience in the aging process. This calamity occurs in part because, as we age, the collagen and elastic fibers in the skin cells which helps keep the skin firm and smooth are being produced in lesser quantities. Unfortunately, cosmetic surgeries are fraught with danger. And Botox, one of the most popular anti-aging treatments, wherein facial muscles are, in essence paralyzed in order to prevent the creation of wrinkles, often brings about unnatural-looking effects, including the appearance of a seemingly “frozen” face. Thankfully, it is still possible to revers some of the effects of aging without undergoing expensive, risky, and painful procedures.

Safe, Non-Invasive Procedures Available at Your Doctor’s Office
Beyond the inherent dangers and risks associated with traditional, skin-tightening surgeries. Patients also have to endure the requisite recovery downtime that keeps them away from their lives and jobs. However, there are now a number of non-invasive procedures available at your dermatologist’s office, which safely and noticeably combat pesky, sagging skin. And these new procedures are becoming quite popular, as each is relatively painless, reasonably cost-effective, and can last well over 12 months.

Radio-frequency Procedures
Radiofrequency technology uses a high-frequency pulse to warm the area below the surface of the skin. A small injury is then created in this heated area, and the resultant healing process stimulates the natural creation of new collagen that will be used to repair the troubled area. This in turn causes the collagen molecules to contract, making the skin firm and tight.

Laser Skin-Tightening Treatments
Dermatologists also use infrared light sources to tighten aging skin. These laser skin-tightening treatments use heat to penetrate into the middle layer of skin and stimulate the production of collagen. Infrared light works by resurfacing the tissue, helping to stimulate the body’s own natural growth of elastin and collagen. This warm temperature also forces the collagen fibers to shrink back, causing the skin to tighten upon the new skin layers.

Other Options Available from Your Dermatologist
Dermal fillers such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, and synthetic fillers can also be injected directly into the various wrinkles and creases of the skin in order to decrease notice ability, thereby making your face appear tighter, fuller, and more youthful. Another interesting, yet simple and non-invasive skin-tightening procedure uses micro currents to mimic those that occur naturally in the body, triggering the chemical reactions that encourage the production of collagen and elastin. These micro currents are also able to reeducate the facial muscles and encourage these muscles to lift back into their natural shape.

At-Home, Natural Remedies for Skin Tightening
Perhaps taking the natural route is a more appealing solution to your skin-sagging woes. Luckily, partaking in some rather simple, inexpensive lifestyle changes are the keys to naturally tighter skin.

Exercise is the centerpiece to affecting these changes, as exercise builds muscle, and muscle can prevent skin from becoming loose. Building muscle will also help to fill shapeless skin. Your exercise routine should include aerobic and cardio exercises, abdominal workouts, weight lifting, and walking or jogging for at least 30 minutes every day. Begin practicing facial exercises, as they tone and strengthen the muscles in the face. And as you well know, strong muscles encourage the tightening of skin above those muscles.

Dietary Changes and Additions
Tightening your skin may simply require alterations to your diet. After all, raw fruits and vegetables increase your skin’s elasticity, and lean proteins help build muscles. Taking Vitamin E supplements will also assist in firming your skin. Additionally, the Omega-3 Fatty Acids found in fish. Some plants, and nut oils can tighten skin. Simply adding canned tuna to your everyday diet, or regularly taking Omega-3 supplements, will significantly boost your Omega-3 Fatty Acid levels.

Natural Skin Treatments
Another option for firming and toning loose skin is to take those same Vitamin E capsules, and rub its liquid into your skin. Olive oil can also be applied in this way. Soy protein and Aloe Vera extract can help your skin produce more collagen and elastin. Keratin, a key structural element of skin cells; a protein existing naturally in the skin, hair, and nails; and the medium for absorption of moisture into the cells, should be a major factor when shopping for the most effective anti-aging cream for your money.

Skin Hydration 
Be certain to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, as keeping your skin hydrated and healthy improves skin elasticity. Dry, dehydrated skin tends to sag. Furthermore, consistently use moisturizers to further hydrate your skin, as this increases your skin’s elasticity.

Massage Therapy to Tighten Skin
Massage is not only a relaxing treat for your skin and muscles, but it also promotes elasticity and assists in tightening loose skin. The act of massage stimulates the skin, which in turn tightens skin cells.

Self-Administered Massage
You do not need formal massage therapy training to give your face a massage. Daily facial massages encourage circulation, resulting in the production of collagen. Use small, circular motions and concentrate on areas of loose or sagging skin. If you are still questioning your technique, consider taking massage therapy classes from accredited massage therapy schools .

Visit a Certified Massage Therapist
Visiting a certified massage therapist for a regular facial massage is another great anti-aging treatment that helps you achieve a plumped, younger, smoother, and more glowing appearance. Massage therapy accomplishes this by minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, tightening and lifting facial muscles, normalizing moisture balance, and reducing impurities in the skin. The massage therapist uses gentle touch to increase circulation and reduce tension in the face by softly working the different problem areas. These massage techniques help to prevent wrinkles and the sagging of facial muscles, and they even promote the eradication of heavy under-eye bags.

About the author: Bethany Brewer freelance writes online about health and beauty. She has had some of her work featured in several health publications.

How to Tighten Loose Skin Around Your Face

Everyone wants that tight looking and beautiful skin around their face. Tight skin anywhere really, but around the face is the most visible for others to see. Our face is everything after all. To get tighter skin around the face, this will take some work and commitment. I used to have loose skin around my face and I hated it. I always thought it was the one true flaw I had in my appearance. People have weight problems, or natural skin problems, teeth, or whatever. Loose skin around my face, seem to be mine. I've followed these tips on my own and they've really worked wonders for me. I decided I am going to improve my face, without a face lift, botox, or anything of that nature. My face is much tighter now. In fact I wouldn't trade my face in for anyone's now. That's the difference it's made for me. 



Drink 8 glasses of cold water a day. Water will tighten your skin up. It will flush out toxins in your body as well. Not only would I drink 8 glasses of cold water, wash your face with ice water. It works and is a natural anti-aging trick that helps naturally. Your skin needs moisture. Cold water is the key and don't forget this step. It's that simple and easy. I'd recommend going swimming a lot and get a membership at a indoor pool.


Doing facial exercises. Why not? It's like losing weight, or trying to tighten your skin up any other place. You need some exercise in that area. It's easy to figure out why some have loose skin around their face. That area of muscle in the body do not get used as often.. Let me give you the exercises for each area of the face that work. Do these daily, if you want to see a difference.

Tighten skin and strengthen the cheeks: Getting rid of chubby cheeks. Smile as wide as you possibly can. Take your three fingers from each hand(pointer, middle and index), and push against your cheeks as hard as you can. Or you can suck in your cheeks, with you mouth closed over and over.

Getting rid of the double chin and getting a tighter looking chin: Tilt your head back. Close your mouth and look at the ceiling. Making a chewing motion with your mouth closed, move your chin up and down. Do this 100 times, each day.

Tightening up skin around your jaw and neck: So you want that visible jaw line. Who doesn't? Close your mouth. Keep you lips nice and tight. Push your jaw and chin toward your lips over and over again. Do not do this in a chewing motion. Do not move your mouth or lips at all. Just your chin and jaw.

Tightening your skin around your neck: Keeping your mouth closed shut. Suck in over and over again. It should help tighten skin around your neck that is loose.


Take Vitamin E and eat Virgin Coconut OIl. I enjoy taking these supplement and they have tremendous effects on your skin and tightening skin on your entire body. Eat about 3 tablespoons of Virgin Coconut Oil a day. Take one Vitamin E daily. Works well. There's also Vitamin E cream that works, just for your face. I'd get that. I can't say enough great things about Vitamin E. I just love how it's truly anti-aging. Definitely recommended!


Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eating fruits really helps a lot. Eat a lot of oranges, pears, watermelon and strawberries. Any berries, they are especially good. Watch your in take in salt, and avoid sodas and a lot of alcohol. Well I drink a lot of alcohol and my skin is still in great shape. But drinking is definitely not good for your skin. I have to do a lot more to make up for drinking alcohol. Avoid a lot of fried foods and try to eat lean meats. This is the commitment part

what is Facial Peel

A facial peel is a cosmetic, chemical treatment that can be performed at by or with adermatologist to help lessen the appearance of blemishes, freckles, age spots, light scarring, and any number of other skin irregularities on the face. Also called chemical peels, facial peels can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and give new life to sun-damaged skin.

Commercial facial peel creams and dermabrasion systems can be purchased at drugstores or beauty supply shops. These products offer a mild concoction of chemicals and alphahydroxy acids that remove dead skin cells, uncovering layers of new skin that look fresher and more even in tone. The cream is applied to the face and left for several minutes to work, then scrubbed or rinsed off with water. Some systems come with a dermabrasion tool that works the facial peel into the skin, sloughing off dead skin cells in the process. Allergic reactions are possible with topical facial peel treatments, so always test a small patch of skin first before proceeding.

For a deeper peel, a dermatologist can recommend a professional facial peel to be performed by a plastic surgeon. These can be done with stronger chemical creams, or even with lasersurgery. Generally speaking, a professional peel will remove more layers of skin, thereby removing or at least lessening the appearance of deeper and darker blemishes. The procedure is most successful with superficial skin marks and scarring; those with deep scarring or large patches of dark pigmentation are not good candidates for a chemical peel. These facial peel procedures are also effective in reducing wrinkles without having to undergo a completefacelift.

There are some risks involved with having a chemical facial peel. Some of the chemicals used in facial peels can cause bleaching of the skin, and there is a slight risk of infection and even scarring. After a chemical peel, the skin will appear red and swollen, and feel tender to the touch. Scabs may form as well, since layers of the skin are burned off with the chemicals. Normally these side-effects will resolve themselves after a few days, but with very deep facial peels the recovery time is much longer.

Facial peels are purely cosmetic in nature. They do not slow down the aging process, nor do they cure chronic skin conditions. Mild facial peels can be repeated every three to six months, but deeper peels require more time between procedures to allow the skin to recover and renew itself. As with any surgical procedure, consult with your doctor before undergoing a chemical facial peel. Make certain that your plastic surgeon is qualified and capable, and pay close attention to the information you'll receive regarding care and treatment for your face once the procedure has been completed.

Dermatologist’s tips for dry, flaky skin on your face and scalp; tis the season for seborrheic dermatitis!

Do you know if the ‘dry skin’ in the middle of your face is really just dry skin? Has your scalp started to itch a little too? If so, you may have seborrheic dermatitis.

In my dermatology practice I see a lot of patients whose seborrheic dermatitis really acts up as the weather turns cold. The good news is that with some over the counter products, you can control your seborrhea and keep your skin and scalp healthy and attractive instead of red and scaly.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a frustrating, confusing and at times embarrassing rash that’s really common. Most people don’t know they have it until they see a doctor. Patients commonly misinterpreted the redness and scale of seborrhea as dry skin. They layer on the moisturizers, which of course don’t fix the problem because seborrhea is a rash, not dry skin.

Seborrheic dermatitis is so common that almost everyone will have it at some point in their life. You’ve undoubtedly seen it on yourself or someone you know, it’s:

• Cradle cap in babies

• Red, greasy, scaly skin in the nose cease or between the eyebrows in teens

• ‘Dry’ and itchy scalp starting in the teen years and going on throughout life

• ‘Dry’, red, scaly skin in the T-zone of the face at any time in life

• Red, crusty skin on and behind the ears

• Flaking of the eyebrows

• Crusty scale and itching of the eyelashes (blepharitis), especially in the morning when you wake from sleep

• Greasy, red scaly skin on the chest and upper back

Seborrheic dermatitis may or may not be accompanied by tender, itchy pimples on the scalp, around the hair line and on the neck, chest and upper back.

If you are prone to seborrheic dermatitis then you’ll always have a tendency for this annoying rash. We don’t know what causes seborrheic dermatitis and we don’t know how to cure it. Treatment is aimed at controlling the problem, and extending the time between flair ups. The good news is that with medicated products, and good skin and scalp care, you can have clear, healthy skin by controlling your seborrhea.

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the most common skin problems I find during a skin exam. I’ve found many great treatments for seborrheic dermatitis using over the counter products. In my next series of blog posts, I’m going to outline my favorite remedies for seborrheic dermatitis and recommend products. This is the information I give my patients in the office.

Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a skin treatment which is used to improve and smooth out the surface of the facial skin. A chemical solution is applied to the face to peel off the top layers of skin which leads to smoother, healthier new skin growth which appears less wrinkled than the old skin. At Face Clinic London we are proud to offer superficial chemical peels from Skinceuticals, an industry leading advanced skin care company providing quality cosmeceutical products backed by science.

Why superficial Chemical Peels?
Skinceuticals superficial chemical peels are a good option for many people as they have a gentler effect and do not give visible skin peeling, inflammation or significant redness compared to medium and deep chemical peels. Superficial chemical peels do not require pain relief, and can be used in many skin types, including darker skin tones, with little or no “down time” or recovery time, which means no obvious skin peeling and no need to take time off work. Skinceuticals offer two types of superficial chemical peeling treatments, the Skinceuticals Gel Peel which is a Salicylic acid peel and the Skinceuticals Pigment Balancing Peel which is a 
Glycolic peel.

What Skin Conditions Can Skinceuticals Chemical Face Peels Treat?
  • Acne- chemical peel acne treatments exfoliate the skin and allow dead skin cells and excess oils to be removed more effectively. This action unblocks hair follicles and pores and reduces the appearance of pimples, improving the overall skin texture in people with acne.
  • Fine lines and wrinkles- chemical peels can reduce these, especially under the eye area and around the mouth in sun damaged or ageing skin.
  • Rough skin texture- chemical skin peels can improve rough skin texture by increasing the amount of collagen in the upper layer of the skin.
  • Lentigines (large freckles) which appear as dark spots on the skin, also called liver spots, or age spots- a course of chemical peels can lighten large freckles and improve the appearance of sun damaged skin.
  • Melasma- is a dark skin discoloration which appears as patches commonly found on the cheeks, nose, lips, upper lip, and forehead and is common in women who are taking hormonal treatment. A course of chemical peels can lighten the appearance of dark discoloured skin caused by melasma.
  • Hyperpigmentation- caused by excess skin pigment in the skin which can result in uneven skin tone. Chemical peels can lighten and even out the skin tone.
  • Superficial peels are suitable for ethnic skins.

How Many Peels Do I Need?
Whilst you may see some very minor benefits after a single superficial peel. We recommend a course of six peels, one or two weeks apart. This will give the best results, as superficial peels are gentler the full benefits of the peel build up over a course of six treatments.

Book In for a Pre Peel Consultation
We advise you to book a pre peel consultation two weeks before your chemical peel where an aesthetic professional will assess your skin. You will be advised to prepare your skin with three products for two weeks before the peel and to continue these products during and after your course of chemical peels. These three products are Retexturing Activator or Pigment Regulator an Antioxidant and a Sunscreen. These products are highly recommended and in some cases essential to give the best results of the peel and are especially important for those going on a course of peels. To find out more about these products, how they work and please read our recommended skincare for chemical peels page. These products can be purchased from our online store or instore at our Soho clinic.

All chemical peels are performed by our trained aesthetic beauty therapist. Before a peel is performed, our therapist will provide a personalised skin consultation and exclude any medical contraindications. They will also advise you of any creams, treatments and procedures you should stop or avoid before your chemical peel. For further information about these please also read our Chemical Peel FAQ page.

The Peel Procedure

During the peel your skin will be cleansed and toned and the chemical peel will be applied to your skin using a gentle brush, the peel will be left on the skin for between three and five minutes. The procedure is not painful. The total consultation and procedure time is 30 minutes.

Chemical Peel Aftercare Advice
After your peel you may notice that the skin is more red than usual for two hours afterwards and may feel tight or dry. You may also experience some very mild flaky skin for a few days. It is very important to use a sunscreen during the course of your treatment and for four weeks after to prevent uneven skin tone and excess pigmentation. Please read our full chemical peel aftercare advice and our recommended skin care regime for chemical peels page.

Chemical Peel Cost
  • Single Chemical Peel £80
  • Course of Six Chemical Peels £400
  • *Recommended Skincare before and after a chemical peel – click for more information

Prices include an optional pre peel skin consultation with our aesthetic therapist two weeks before your peel. To get the most effective results we recommend a course of six peels one or two weeks apart.

*To enhance the effectiveness of the peel we recommend use of the three creams before, during and after your course of chemical peel including Retexturing Activator or Pigment Regulator, an Antioxidant and a Sunscreen, which can be bought online or in store at your pre peel consultation.