Itchy Pimples on Face

Itchy Pimples on Face

Red pimples on the face that are itchy and irritated are best left alone. There are many things to avoid when a person has itchy acne on face.
  • Eating red and processed meat. A lot of people don’t bother to avoid these to eliminate their acne but the extensive preparation process that processed food such as hot dogs, meat pies and frozen meats go through will not help clear the skin.
  • Touching affected areas are strictly prohibited for people who have acne. Acne is mostly based on bacteria and infection and frequent touching using unclean hands will only worsen the condition.
  • Touching also spreads the infection to other areas in the face.
  • Junk food must also be avoided. A person who has gone through bouts of acne will find that certain foods will aggravate their skin condition. Some foods that are high in fat are to be avoided, as well as those that contain too much sugar.

Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies

The causes of acne have long been argued. There really is no exact cause that can be pinpointed to the pimples that appear on people’s faces, but some of the most common causes of adult and teen acne may include:
  • Diet
  • Hygiene
  • Hormones
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Vitamin deficiency

The explanation of how people have acne may be a complex combination of any of these factors plus others that may have not been included in the list.

There is no sure way to treat acne that would work for everyone. There are many factors such as skin types, hormones and stress levels that must be considered. For a more accurate list of medication and treatment, it’s best to consult a dermatologist.

However, there are several home remedies that are proven to give relief to the itchiness, redness and inflammation of acne. Some of these home remedies include:
  • Applying a mixture of yogurt and oatmeal to the face
  • 2-3 tea bags and dried basil applied to the acne with cotton
  • Orange peel facials
  • Mixing honey and cinnamon powder and applying the paste overnight.