How to Get Rid of Pock Marks

Pock marks are pitted scars that give the skin an uneven appearance. Though they can occur anywhere on the body, pock marks are most common on the face. Originally, pock marks were scars left by chicken pox. Nowadays, the term is used to describe any type of pitted scar, regardless of its cause. In addition to chicken pox, people may have pock marks as a result of acne, rashes or other skin issues. Thankfully, there are various treatments available to get rid of pock marks.

1 Exfoliate. Use a gentle facial scrub to exfoliate your skin twice weekly. Exfoliation will help skin cells to regenerate more quickly so your skin will look firmer and younger. It will also encourage a more even skin tone.

2 Apply scar treatment cream to your pock marks. Oftentimes, pitted scars feature varying pigment levels. Scar treatment creams will help to fade scars so they blend in with your surrounding skin. Apply the cream two to three times per day. You will see improvements after about eight weeks of use.

3 Get microdermabrasion. Since pock marks are dents in the skin's surface, microdermabrasion can effectively smooth your skin. A small buffing device is used to remove the top layers of skin, revealing smoother skin below. Generally, repeated sessions are necessary to achieve desired results.

4 Consider laser treatment. During sessions, a laser's light will target the top layers of your skin, burning them away. Once the skin recovers, it will look smoother, younger and less damaged. The laser also helps to break up scar tissue and areas of darker pigmentation so your pock marks will be less noticeable.

5 Try chemical peels. A licensed professional will apply chemicals to your skin which burn away the top layers. After a peel, your skin will look like it has a sunburn. With regular peels, your skin will appear more even in tone and texture. Talk to your dermatologist about which strength peel is right for your particular situation.

6 Massage your pock marks. Use circular motions to massage the area for at least 90 seconds multiple times per day. Regular massage helps to break up scar tissue, promoting a smoother complexion. It will also increase circulation which aids your skin's recovery process